Recognizing that problems arising from human ecology do not represent medical failure so much as educational failure, and that prevention is cheaper in the long run than rehabilitation, the New York State Education Department is implementing a course of study in the Health Sciences incorporating knowledge from the disciplines of medical science and public health, aimed at prevention through education. Curriculum materials for 4th grade through high school, developed by the State Education Department, deal initially with the nature and proper use of drugs as a basis for understanding drug abuse. Drug education, to be effective as a drug abuse deterrent, should be taught by a well prepared health education teacher within the context of health education which touches on areas of mental health, physical health, consumer health, public health, safety and pharmacology. Intensive teacher training programs are underway in six institutions of higher education in New York State to prepare teachers licensed in other educational areas to fulfill state certification requirements in health education. Additional teachers are being trained to teach inservice courses in their own districts; their $600 salary per 30 hour course taught is paid by the State Education Department. The goal is to reach 7500 teachers during this school year. The program participants are brought into contact with consultants from many related fields. A learn-by-doing method is utilized involving group processes and activities designed to encourage individuals to become responsible for their own learning and the learning of others.