The C19-mineralocorticoids in hypertension.

The excretion rates of the C19-mineralcorticoids, 16beta-hydroxy-DHEA and 16-oxo-androstenediol, were measured in subjects with low-renin essential hypertension and toxemia of pregnancy. C19-mineralocorticoid excretion in low-renin essential hypertension ranged from 70-790 microgram per day. No significant difference in 16beta-hydroxy-DHEA and 16-oxo-androstenediol excretion was found between these subjects and normal controls. Subjects with toxemia of pregnancy excreted between 350 and 2500 microgram per day of these steroids. There was no significant difference between toxemic and normal pregnancy. Thus, 16beta-hydroxy - DHEA and 16-oxo-androstenediol probably do not play an important role in either low-renin essential hypertension or toxemia of pregnancy.