The effect of acute glomerulonephritis on the heart has received little study in this country in recent years. Yet in 1879 Goodhart1 pointed out the occurrence of heart failure in this disease and reported dilatation of the heart at necropsy, with fatty degeneration of the cardiac muscle in one case. Other authors confirmed the clinical observation and, notably Volhard and Fahr,2 emphasized the frequency of dyspnea, orthopnea and pulmonary edema. Levy3 cited the literature up to 1930 and described additional cases in which the presenting symptoms were those of heart failure. In agreement with the majority of previous writers on the subject, he ascribed the cardiac failure to strain placed on the heart by the sudden onset of hypertension in acute nephritis. Further study of the disease, however, suggested that there is also a widespread vascular lesion not confined to the kidney.4 For not uncommonly patients