Work function measurements on (100), (110) and (111) surfaces of aluminium

(100), (110) and (111) single crystal aluminium substrates were thoroughly outgassed by heating by electron bombardment in ultra high vacuum. Fresh single crystal surfaces were prepared by autoepitaxy on these substrates and the work functions of the surfaces were determined photoelectrically. The general effect of the deposition of an aluminium film on the substrate was to reduce the work function, but annealing the film at temperatures between 473 K and 573 K caused the work function to return to a constant value which was taken to be characteristic of the ordered surface. (100) aluminium surfaces were also prepared by epitaxy on potassium chloride crystals. The effect of argon ion bombardment on a bulk (110) aluminium surface is to increase the work function towards the polycrystalline value, but the characteristic value for the (110) face may be restored by annealing the crystal. There is a linear relationship between surface atom density and work function for the three faces investigated.