Analysis of dimycocerosates of glycosylphenolphthiocerols in the identification of some clinically significant mycobacteria

Extracts of representative mycobacteria were examined by thin-layer chromatography for glycosylphenolphthiocerol dimycocerosates. The glycolipid typical of Mycobacterium bovis was also found in Mycobacterium africanum and Mycobacterium microti,but it was absent in Mycobacterium bovis AN 5.Mycobacterium gastri strains contained a glycolipid which was chromatographically similar to that in Mycobacterium kansasii.Representatives of Mycobacterium marinum produced a distinct glycolipid type, and one strain had major amounts of a more polar variant. The sugar moieties of purified lipids, including that from Mycobacterium leprae,were identified by thin-layer chromatography of methyl glycosides in acid methanolysates.