Structure and dynamics of des-pentapeptide-insulin in solution: the molten-globule hypothesis.

Structures of insulin in different crystal forms exhibit significant local and nonlocal differences, including correlated displacement of elements of secondary structure. Here we describe the solution structure and dynamics of a monomeric insulin analogue, des-pentapeptide-(B26-B30)-insulin (DPI), as determined by two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy and distance geometry/restrained molecular dynamics (DG/RMD). Although the solution structure of DPI exhibits a general similarity to its crystal structure, individual DG/RMD structures in the NMR ensemble differ by rigid-body displacements of alpha-helices that span the range of different crystal forms. These results suggest that DPI exists as a partially folded state formed by coalescence of distinct alpha-helix-associated microdomains. The physical reality of this model is investigated by comparison of the observed two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) spectroscopy (NOESY) spectrum with that predicted from crystal and DG/RMD structures. The observed NOESY spectrum contains fewer tertiary contacts than predicted by any single simulation, but it matches their shared features; such "ensemble correspondence" is likely to reflect the effect of protein dynamics on observed NOE intensities. We propose (i) that the folded state of DPI is analogous to that of a compact protein-folding intermediate rather than a conventional native state and (ii) that the molten state is the biologically active species. This proposal (the molten-globule hypothesis) leads to testable thermodynamic predictions and has general implications for protein design.