Analytical and Preparative Separation of Geometrical Isomers by High Efficiency Silver Nitrate Liquid Chromatography

A packing technique in which carbon tetrachloride is the dispersing agent was used to pack high performance liquid chromatographic columns with 5 μsilica gel. The efficiencies obtained with analytical and preparative silica columns and AgNO3-coated silica columns packed by this technique were compared. Special considerations were taken to minimize losses in column efficiency due to the chromatographic system. The AgNO3-coated silica columns enabled the rapid separation of geometrical isomers of pheromones both analytically and preparatively. The highly efficient AgNO3 silica columns gave baseline separations of some isomers on a column 5 cm in length and resulted in the development of a column in which the percentage of impregnated silver ion was critical to the separation.