For more than sixty years, gynecologists all over the world have been employing sundry forms of local treatment and devising all sorts of operations for the cure of chronic endocervicitis, but as yet no method has been discovered that is universally satisfactory. However, during the last few years, a more rational treatment of this common malady has slowly been evolved from a better understanding of the anatomy, physiology, pathology and bacteriology of the uterus and cervix and those structures in juxtaposition that are reached by the lymphatic drainage therefrom. We are now perfectly sure that the troublesome leukorrhea, in almost all cases, is cervical in origin and is the result of infection. When there is no infection there is no alarming leukorrheal discharge. In both structure and function, the cervical mucosa differs widely from the endometrium of the corpus uteri. The cervical canal, lined with its mucosa, acts simply as