Magnetization of Ellipsoidal Superconductors

A well-known result which can be rigorously deduced from Maxwell's equations and potential theory is that the magnetization M of any homogeneous, isotropic ellipsoid is related to the local field B and the external applied magnetic field H0 by H=B4πM=H04πN·M(H). The configuration matrix N, whose elements are the demagnetization coefficients, depends only on the shape of the ellipsoid. In particular, this relation provides a means for computing the magnetization M (as a function of H0), if it is known for the special case of an infinitely along cylinder whose axis is aligned with H0. This transformation has been commonly applied to systems for which the M(H) relationship is linear: M=χH, where χ is a constant. We find, more generally, when the ellipsoid is homogeneous and isotropic, that the transformation depends only on the assumption that M is a smooth, single-valued, and otherwise arbitrary function of the local field B. We apply the above result to the well-known magnetization functions for superconductors and find for spheroids whose symmetry axis is parallel to H0: 4πM=H0(1n)  (Meissnerstate) and 4πM=[(Hc2H0)(γ+n)H0]H0  (mixedstate), where γ=(2κ221)β, and n is the element of N associated with the symmetry direction. We also compute the torque exerted on a superconducting spheroid whose symmetry axis is not aligned with H0.