A Study on Sex and Schooling

Abstract: Emanuelsson, I. & Fischbein, S. 1986. Vive la Difference? A Study on Sex and Schooling. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 30, 71‐84. Sex differences in achievement test results and school marks are reviewed. As a rule the pattern has been that girls ‘earn’ more in marks in relation to test results than boys. This has been the case in different school systems and time periods, at least in compulsory education up to 16 years of age. By using available Swedish data from two longitudinal research projects, one of them including boy‐girl twins, this pattern is further examined. The results show a remarkable stability over time and age. Girls have comparatively higher marks than boys in mother tongue and mathematics at the same level of achievement. There is no interaction for home background or class affiliation. The difference must therefore be seen as a result of a more general interaction between sex differences and school system.