In a previous publication the morphological characters of a strain of H. schachtii specialised on the potato in Lincolnshire were discussed. The size and shape of the brown cysts, size of the eggs and first stage larvæ and the general characters of the adult males of this strain were compared with those of a strain attacking potatoes in Rostock, Mecklenburg, for which the specific name H. rostochiensis was suggested by Wollenweber 1923.Considerable dimensional variations were found to exist in the Lincolnshire strain, and a study of the literature on the morphological characters of H. schachtii specialised on sugar-beet and oats, showed equally wide divergencies between the findings of different workers. A certain amount of preserved material of infected roots of beet and oats being available to the writer, as many developmental stages as possible were extracted from these, on which similar morphological studies were carried out. Thus a fairly complete comparative survey of H. schachtii specialised on beet, oats and potatoes was completed, and the morphological variations between the strains were found to be insufficient to justify the separation of the strain specialised on potato from those on beet and oats. The name H. rostochicnsis was, therefore, deemed a synonym for H. schachtii.