Colored Overlays for Visual Perceptual Deficits in Children with Reading Disability and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Are They Differentially Effective?

The Transient Channel Deficit (TCD) model of reading disability was evaluated by examining the effects of color overlays on the reading ability of four groups of children (n = 15 each) with reading disability and comorbid conditions involving math and ADHD. These 60 children were evaluated for reading accuracy and rate on measures of word decoding and reading comprehension under three color transparency conditions (blue, red, no overlay). Results indicated that color overlays did not differentially affect the reading performance of individuals with and without reading disabilities. However, blue transparencies significantly improved reading comprehension in all groups, and reduced reading rate. These findings indicate that the TCD model may need to be reexamined. An alternative hypothesis for the observed effects, involving facilitation of attention processes, was posited.