The objectives were to study the roles of carbon and phosphorus in cultural eutrophication, and to investigate the observation that blue-green algal blooms are frequently associated with a pH greater than 8.4. These objectives were met by the manometric determination of rates of photosynthesis and respiration in the blue-green alga, Anabaena flos-aquae as functions of pH, total inorganic carbon, and orthophosphate. The photosynthetic rate was independent of carbon concentrations from 30 ppm Na2CO3–300 ppm Na2CO3. At pH values of 8.3 or less, photosynthetic rate is dependent upon pH and independent of P concentration. At higher pH values, the reverse is true. Respiration was independent of pH, carbon, and phosphorus. The association of blue-greens with alkaline pH values is related to a H+ effect and is independent of the ionic forms of carbon and phosphorus.