Cell wall proteins of Candida albicans

Proteins were solubilized from cell wall fractions of Candida albicans and separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Cell walls were isolated from 25 and 37 °C growing and stationary phase yeast cultures and from germ tubes. The 42 protein bands detected by dye binding were observed in all wall extracts, regardless of the temperature, growth state, or morphology of the culture. The carbohydrate content of most bands was below the detectable limit of the periodic acid Schiff reagent. The protein complement revealed by autoradiography of radiolabeled proteins was half that detected by staining. Two bands showed greater intensity from cultures grown at 37 °C. The radio-labeled pattern was similar with both [35S]methionine- and [14C]leucine-labeled proteins and either pulse- or continuous-labeled proteins.