New Total-Cross-Section Measurements for the ReactionsN14(N14,N13)N15andB10(N14,N13)B11

Thick targets of AgCN and B10 were bombarded with N14 ions accelerated in the Oak Ridge Tandem Van de Graaff. The amount of N13 present in each irradiated sample was determined by the detection of the 10-min positron activity characteristic of the isotope. In this manner cross sections were measured for the neutron-transfer reactions N14(N14,N13)N15 and B10(N14,N13)B11. The (assumed equal) neutron reduced widths in N14 and N15 were determined by applying the tunneling theory to the N14-on-N14 measurements. The reduced width in B11 was then calculated from the cross-section data for the reaction of N14 on B10 by the use of the now measured reduced width in N14. The N14 and B11 reduced widths were found to agree with the same values as determined from the bound-state, single-particle, radial wave functions that have been calculated by using a Woods-Saxon potential. In resolving the experimental decay curves, 2- and 20-min components were found for the N14 and B10 targets, respectively. These activities were ascribed to the O15 and C11 which result from the proton-transfer reactions N14(N14,O15)C13 and B10(N14,C13)C11; cross sections for these reactions were also measured.