Disseminated Geotrichosis

Reports of secondary mycoses including mucormycosis, aspergillosis, moniliasis, and cryptococcosis have appeared in increasing numbers since the widespread use of modern chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of neoplastic diseases.1-5 Disseminated geotrichosis complicating carcinoma of the ascending colon was observed after treatment with fluorouracil. To our knowledge, unequivocal evidence of systemic disease attributable to this fungus has not been previously reported. Geotrichum was first described by Link in 1809, and according to Dodge 6 this fungus is classified as a subspecies of Eremnascaceae imperfectae. This species is largely saprophytic and is usually found in soil and decaying matter, although its isolation from the skin, sputum, and feces of man is not unusual. It has been reported that this organism can be found in the intestinal flora of 20% to 30% of normal persons.7-9 Geotrichum is usually saprophytic, but under certain conditions it may cause infection in man. Although Kaliski,