Measurements of wall shear stress of a turbulent boundary layer using a micro-shear-stress imaging chip

Measurements of wall shear-stress streaks of a turbulent boundary layer in the channel flow were carried out using a MEMS-based micro-shear-stress imaging chip, which contains about 100 sensors. The chip is designed and fabricated by surface micromachining technology. One arrray of 25 micro-shear-stress sensors in the chip that covers a length of 7.5 mm is used to measure the instantaneous spanwise distribution of the surface shear stress. The statistics of high shear-stress streaks were established. Based on the measurement, the physical quantities associated with the high shear-stress streaks, such as their length, width and peak shear-stress level, were obtained. We found out that a high correlation exists between the peak shear-stress level and front-end shear-stress slope of a high shear-stress streak. This important property is currently being applied to the deisgn of a real-time flow control logic.