Effect of exercise training on plasma levels of C-reactive protein in healthy adults: the HERITAGE Family Study

Aims To study the effect of exercise training on plasma C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation. Methods and results We performed a 20 week standardized exercise training programme in 652 sedentary healthy white and black men and women. C-reactive protein was measured with a high sensitivity assay. The study sample was stratified according to baseline C-reactive protein levels using a recommended classification (low 3.0 mg/L, n=162). The median C-reactive protein reduction was 1.34 mg/L in the high baseline C-reactive protein group. C-reactive protein levels did not change in the low or moderate baseline C-reactive protein groups. The difference among the C-reactive protein groups was significant adjusting for all correlates of baseline C-reactive protein (PPPConclusion Plasma C-reactive protein levels are reduced in response to exercise training in sedentary healthy adults with high initial C-reactive protein levels. This finding may partly explain the effectiveness of regular physical activity in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.