Dynamic dislocation phenomena in single crystals of Cu-10.5-at.%-Al alloys at 4.2 °K

Single crystals of Cu-10.5-at.%-Al alloys with the [¯12¯5] {1¯2¯1} {¯2¯10} orientation experience discontinuous elongations under tensile stress at 4.2 °K. The processes are initiated at a resolved shear stress of 3.01 Kg mm2 on the {¯1¯11} glide system. They introduce slip bands with a mean width of 47 m¯ and produce a mean integrated shear displacement of 5.7 μm corresponding to the motion of 3.5 × 104 dislocations in near-edge orientations. Simultaneous elongation-time and stress-time records have been obtained with capacitive and ceramic piezoelectric transducers located near the site of relaxation in the cryostat. After an initial interval of 30 s¯ec, elongation proceeds at a constant rate of 1.1 cm sec1 for 400 μsec. During this process, the shear stress is 0.024 kg mm2 lower than at the onset of relaxation. The rate of elongation, which is determined by the mechanical properties of the system, gives a value for the product of the number and velocity of the moving dislocations of 3.76 × 107 cm sec1. Observations of the surface topography of the slip bands and of the dislocation-etch-pit distributions within them are used to establish a model for the sequence of events during the relaxation process. With this model, the mean velocity of the dislocations is found to be 2.1 × 104 cm sec1 at a resolved shear stress of 2.98 kg mm2 and a local steady-state temperature of 17 °K.