Relative values of the diffusion coefficients of the systems He–Ar, Ar–Xe, and He–Xe have been determined over the temperature range 0° to 120°C by a two-bulb method. The experimental diffusion coefficients, at 1 atm pressure, can be described by the following equations: He–Ar: log10D=1.684log10T−4.2902,Ar–Xe: log10D=1.955log10T−5.7807,He–Xe: log10D=1.720log10T−4.5251. The apparatus was calibrated with the He–Ar diffusion data; the results for the system Ar–Xe are in essential agreement with the data reported by other workers, but the He–Xe diffusion coefficients are about 9% lower than previously published values. The present He–Xe coefficients are in good agreement, however, with results which have been determined from a consideration of the composition dependence of the viscosities of He–Xe mixtures.