Spectral Sensitivities of Wolf Spider Eyes

ERG's to spectral lights were recorded from all eyes of intact wolf spiders. Secondary eyes have maximum relative sensitivities at 505–510 nm which are unchanged by chromatic adaptations. Principal eyes have ultraviolet sensitivities which are 10 to 100 times greater at 380 nm than at 505 nm. However, two animals' eyes initially had greater blue-green sensitivities, then in 7 to 10 wk dropped 4 to 6 log units in absolute sensitivity in the visible, less in the ultraviolet. Chromatic adaptations of both types of principal eyes hardly changed relative spectral sensitivities. Small decreases in relative sensitivity in the visible with orange adaptations were possibly retinomotor in origin. Second peaks in ERG waveforms were elicited from ultraviolet-adapted principal eyes by wavelengths 400 nm and longer, and from blue-, yellow-, and orange-adapted secondary eyes by wavelengths 580 nm and longer. The second peaks in waveforms were most likely responses of unilluminated eyes to scattered light. It is concluded that both principal and secondary eyes contain cells with a visual pigment absorbing maximally at 505–510 nm. The variable absolute and ultraviolet sensitivities of principal eyes may be due to a second pigment in the same cells or to an ultraviolet-absorbing accessory pigment which excites the 505 nm absorbing visual pigment by radiationless energy transfer.