Global relationship between anatomical connectivity and activity propagation in the cerebral cortex.

Anatomical connectivity is a prerequisite for cooperative interactions between cortical areas, but it has yet to be demonstrated that association fibre networks determine the macroscopical flow of activity in the cerebral cortex. T o test this notion, we constructed a large–scale model of cortical areas whose interconnections were based on published anatomical data from tracing studies. Using this model we simulated the propagation of activity in response to activation of individual cortical areas and compared the resulting topographic activation patterns to electrophysiological observations on the global spread of epileptic activity following intracortical stimulation. Here we show that a neural network with connectivity derived from experimental data reproduces cortical propagation of activity significantly better than networks with different types of neighbourhood–based connectivity or random connections. Our results indicate that association fibres and their relative connection strengths are useful predictors of global topographic activation patterns in the cerebral cortex. This global structure–function relationship may open a door to explicit interpretation of cortical activation data in terms of underlying anatomical connectivity.