Bremsstrahlung isochromat from aluminum

The bremsstrahlung isochromat of aluminum, at 2.3 Å has been recorded out to 40 eV beyond the Duane-Hunt limit. The main structure in the spectrum consists of three steps, the first being the Duane-Hunt limit itself. The second and third steps, at 15 and 30 eV, reflect the Duane-Hunt limits for electrons which have excited one plasmon (15 eV) and two plasmons, respectively, prior to stopping in the sample. The second two steps have been partially removed by subtracting a shifted image of the first step agreeing with energy-loss data for aluminum. The corrected curve is the experimentally derived thin-target bremsstrahlung isochromat for aluminum. This spectrum, which decreases monotonically from the threshold out to 25 eV, is in fairly good agreement with that calculated for atomic aluminum.