Role of Microorganisms in the Consumption and Production of Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide by Soil

Consumption and production of atmospheric CO was measured under field conditions in three different types of soil. CO was consumed by an apparent first-order reaction and produced by an apparent zero-order reaction, resulting in a dynamic equilibrium with the consumption of atmospheric CO as the net reaction. CO consumption was higher in summer than in winter. Laboratory experiments on five different soil types showed that CO consumption was strongly inhibited by the presence of streptomycin or cycloheximide (Actidione), or both. Thus, eucaryotic as well as procaryotic microorganisms were apparently responsible for the observed CO consumption. The aerobic carboxydobacterium Pseudomonas carboxydovorans added to sterile soil was able to utilize the low amounts (ca. 0.7 ppmv) of CO present in laboratory air. CO was consumed by soil under aerobic as well as anaerobic conditions. Anaerobic preincubation of the soil stimulated the anaerobic CO consumption and reduced the aerobic CO consumption. In contrast to CO consumption, CO production was stimulated by autoclaving, by ultraviolet-irradiation, by fumigation with NH3 or CHCl3, by treatment with streptomycin or cycloheximide or both, by addition of NaCN, NaN3, or Na2HAsO4 (or all three) in the presence of glucose under an atmosphere of pure oxygen, or by a drying and rewetting procedure. The consumption of atmospheric CO by soil is a microbial process, but the production of CO is apparently not a metabolic process.