ENDOR Study of the Unpaired Spin Density in KZnF3:Mn2+

ENDOR techniques were used on KZnF3:Mn2+ to investigate spin polarization of the electrons which contribute to nearest‐ and next‐nearest neighbor Mn2+ superexchange interactions in the anti‐ferromagnetic isomorph, KMnF3. Spin unpairing contributes measurably to the superhyperfine (shf) interaction with 1st and 2nd‐nearest fluorine neighbors of Mn2+ ions in KZnF3. The shf constants at 4.2°K for the 1st neighbor F nuclei are As=54.26±0.03 MHz and AσAπ=0.68±0.03 MHz, using r=2.065 Å for the Mn2+–F separation. From the above results the fraction of unpaired spin in the 2s and 2p orbitals of these F ions is calculated to be fs=0.60% and fσfπ=0.26%. For the 2nd neighbor F nuclei at (a0/2, 0, a0), a0 being the lattice constant, we find the components of the shf tensor (in MHz) to be Bxx=0.38, Byy=−0.30, Bzz=1.60, ½(Bxz+Bzx) = 1.04, with BzxBxz. These values reflect an isotropic component Bs=0.56 MHz which is 2.5 times larger than that found by Davies in the less covalent salt KMgF3:Mn2+. This indicates the importance of covalency (as opposed to overlap) contributions to the spin unpairing at more distant neighbors of Mn2+ ions in perovskite fluorides.