Sedimentary basins on the east flank of the Antarctic Peninsula: proposed nomenclature

The first fossils from Antarctica were collected from Seymour Island in December 1892, during the voyage of the Jason under Captain C.A. Larsen. The Swedish South Polar Expedition of 1901–1903, led by Otto Nordenskjöld, proved that there were extensive deposits of fossiliferous Cretaceous and Tertiary sedimentary rock in the James Ross Island area. This was confirmed by later geological mapping (Bibby 1966). Subsequent investigations have led to the establishment of various lithostratigraphic schemes (e.g. Ineson et al. 1986), and interpretation of the sedimentary history in terms of basin evolution (Elliot 1988, Macdonald et al. 1988). Unfortunately, different names have been proposed for the depositional basin, with consequent confusion. The purpose of this note is to review previous usage and propose a new consistent nomenclature for the sedimentary basins east of the Antarctic Peninsula.