Death from Cardiovascular Disease in Italy, 1972–1981: Decline in Mortality Rates and Possible Causes

Nicolosi A (Preventive and Rehabilitative Medicine Project National Research Council, Milan, Italy), Casati S, Taioli E and Polli E. Death from cardiovascular disease in Italy, 1972–1981: decline in mortality rates and possible causes. International Journal of Epidemiology 1988, 17: 766–772. Mortality rates for cardiovascular disease vary widely between countries, and epidemiological patterns (trends in incidence rates, prevalence of risk factors, availability of medical care) are heterogeneous even among industrialized nations. We studied mortality from cardiovascular disease in Italy from 1972 to 1981 and compared mortality to trends in risk factors during the same period. Age-adjusted mortality rates for acute ischaemic heart disease (IHD) have increased in Italy from 1972 to reach a peak in 1978 (180.53/100 000 in males, 51.55/100 000 in females), then declined between 1978 and 1981, by 7% in males and 5% in females. The decline was more evident in males and in the younger age groups. Deaths from chronic IHD reached a peak in 1973 in females and in 1975 in males, then decreased, respectively by 24.8% and 35.7% unti 1981. Mortality for cerebrovascular disease declined from 1972 to 1981 by 16.2% in males and 21.5% in females. Data from national statistics and sample surveys in different areas of Italy show an increase in total calorie intake, in animal proteins, fats and dairy products and raised average serum cholesterol levels plus an increase in smoking prevalence but a possible decline in blood pressure levels. The roles of hypertension treatment and of access to specialized medical care are discussed as possible contributors to the new declining trend of IHD, and the need is stressed for preventive strategies in health promotion.