A detailed investigation of the dielectric properties of powdered and solid dry rocks in the frequency range of 50 hz to 2 mhz has revealed the following general characteristics: 1) All dry rocks, powdered and solid, show an increase in both the dielectric constant and the loss tangent as frequency decreases and as temperature increases. This dispersion is believed to be due to polarization associated with charge buildup at grain boundaries or at grain imperfections. 2) Dry powdered rocks often show a thermally‐activated relaxation peak with a typical Debye‐relaxation character. This is due to the presence of pyroxene and biotite and may be associated with other minerals. The relaxation peak is not seen in solid rocks, where it is hidden by the low‐frequency dispersion. 3) At high frequencies, the loss tangent approaches a constant value which is frequency independent. This behavior is observed in many dielectrics and may be the result of a distribution of relaxation times.