Cardiovascular and Renal Phenotype in Mice With One or Two Renin Genes

We compared the phenotype of two common mouse models, C-57BL/6J (C57), which carries only the Ren-1c gene, and 129/SvJ (Sv-129), with both Ren 1d and Ren-2. We hypothesized two renin gene Sv-129 would have increased blood pressure and the renin-angiotensin system would be more influential in regulating renal function compared with one renin gene mice. Sv-129 consistently had higher blood pressure than C-57, whether conscious (128 versus 108 mm Hg, PPPP1 receptors with losartan reduced blood pressure by 19 mm Hg in both strains. Nitric oxide synthase inhibition by l-NAME increased blood pressure by 29 mm Hg in C-57 and 35 mm Hg in Sv-129 mice, but the decrease in renal blood flow was 30% less in C-57 (P<0.025). We conclude that Sv-129 mice with two renin genes have higher blood pressure but lower plasma and renal renin than C-57 mice with one renin gene. Renin substrate may limit angiotensin II production in the mouse. In Sv-129, the influence of nitric oxide on renal but not systemic resistance may be exaggerated. Renin from Ren-2 may act independently of normal renin control mechanisms.