Numerical solutions of the Schrödinger equation with the complete screened Coulomb potential (CSCP) are given for 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, and 3d states. The CSCP used is given by {V(r)=,Vi(r)Ze2[r1(D+A)1],  0rA}{=V0(r)Ze2[D(D+A)]{exp[(Ar)D]r},  rA} where D is the screening radius and A is the mean minimum radius of the ion atmosphere. The standard transformations x=2Zrλa0 and Eλ=Z2μe422λ2, where λ is the CSCP quantum number, yield the well-known form of the Schrödinger equation with λ in place of n. The numerical solutions are obtained with a nonlinear method that is both accurate and stable. The resulting quantum numbers can be accurately described by simple analytic fits for a wide range of interesting values of D. The problem of the number of screened Coulomb states is resolved: the CSCP yields as many states as the Coulomb potential. However, with the CSCP, for states with (3a0n22Z)>D, the separations of the levels are less than the corresponding Coulomb levels, i.e., the density of states near the continuum increases. Removal of l-degeneracy, the question of a maximum-bound principal quantum number, and integer quantization of the ground-state quantum numbers are also discussed.