The determination of vitamin C in urine

The method of Scarborough and Stewart (1937) for the detn. of vit. C in urine was investigated and certain modifications introduced. A new method for the detn. using SnCl2 in dilute HC1 soln. for the reduction and hydrolysis of urine was developed. In both methods, the true vit. C was detd. by an enzymic method. The specificity of cucumber oxidase under the conditions of analysis was investigated and the results uphold the utility of the enzymic procedure. Ascorbic acid and other indophenol-reducing substances are liberated during the combined reduction and hydrolysis of urine. Some analyses are reported. Scorbutic urines show very low cones, of vit. C and occasionally none is detectable. Dried vegetables contain amts. of vit. C of roughly the same order as the amts. in cooked vegetables retaining their tissue water but without the cooking water.

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