Serial synapses inAplysia

Serial synapses occur between small profiles in the neuropil of Aplysia abdominal ganglion. Material was fixed in phosphate buffered OsO4, embedded in epon, and sections were stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate. A class of synapses had the following characteristics: (1) synaptic vesicles clustered against the presynaptic membrane, (2) a widened extracellular space of about 20 nm containing electron‐dense material, (3) straightening of the pre‐ and postsynaptic membranes, and (4) no postsynaptic membrane specialization. Some density between the presynaptic membrane and the adjacent synaptic vesicles was occasionally observed. Synapses occurred between small profiles in the neuropil (typical profile diameters were 1–3 m̈m). In this sample of approximately 100 synapses, four serial synapses were identified. The serial synaptic profiles were all small. In addition to the finding of serial synapses, 40% of the postsynaptic profiles contained vesicles similar to the synaptic vesicles seen in presynaptic profile. Serial synapses may be the anatomical substrate of presynaptic inhibition and facilitation and of dishabituation.