Type I[CLC]a[/CLC] Supernova Scenarios and the Hubble Sequence

The dependence of the Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) rate on galaxy type is examined for three currently proposed scenarios: merging of a Chandrasekhar mass CO white dwarf (WD) with a CO WD companion, explosion of a sub-Chandrasekhar mass CO WD induced by accretion of material from a He star companion, and explosion of a sub-Chandrasekhar CO WD in a symbiotic system. The variation of the SN Ia rate and explosion characteristics with time is derived, and its correlation with parent population age and galaxy redshift is discussed. Among current scenarios, CO + He star systems should be absent from E galaxies. Explosion of CO WDs in symbiotic systems could account for the SN Ia rate in these galaxies. The same might be true for the CO + CO WD scenario, depending on the value of the common envelope parameter. A testable prediction of the sub-Chandrasekhar WD model is that the average brightness and kinetic energy of the SN Ia events should increase with redshift for a given Hubble type. Also for this scenario, going along the Hubble sequence from E to Sc galaxies SN Ia events should be brighter on average and should show larger mean velocities of the ejecta. The observational correlations suggest strongly that the characteristics of the SN Ia explosion are linked to parent population age. The scenario in which WDs with masses below the Chandrasekhar mass explode appears the most promising one to explain the observed variation of the SN Ia rate with galaxy type together with the luminosity-expansion velocity trend.