The strengths and self‐broadened half‐widths of the lines of the fundamental band of HBr have been measured by a curve‐of‐growth method. The method uses a correction for two overlapping lines recently devised by Sakai. The squares of the electric dipole matrix elements, |M01(m)|2 , for the lines have been calculated from the strengths. From the theory of Herman and Wallis and |M01(0)|2 , the dipole moment derivative M1 is found to be 0.468×10—10 esu. From the slope at m = 0 of |M01(m)|2 the vibration—rotation interaction parameter, θ, is found to be 1.20. The dependence of the strengths on rotational quantum number J is compared to the J dependence of the strengths of the other hydrogen halides and is compared to theory. A similar comparison is made for the J dependence of the half‐widths.