Use of Alfentanil Sedation Anesthesia with the Dornier HM3 Lithotripter*

Our results with the combination anesthetic technique of midazolam-alfentanil during elective outpatient extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy on the Dornier HM3 (N = 79) were compared with those of epidural anesthesia in the same setting (N = 81). The mean anesthesia time and recovery room time were significantly shorter (72.85 v 113.58 minutes and 115.0 v 159.20 minutes, respectively) with the combination technique. No procedures in the alfentanil group had to be discontinued because of patient discomfort. Side effects with alfentanil were minimal, and oxygen saturation remained above 90% for all patients. Combination midazolam-alfentanil anesthesia is safe and allows the urologist to treat renal and ureteral calculi effectively and efficiently without using general or regional anesthesia.