In recent years there has been an unprecedented number of cases of histoplasmosis reported. What has heretofore been regarded as a rare semitropical disease is being found in increasing numbers of cases throughout the United States, the total now having reached about 35 cases. Meleney1reviewed 32 cases occurring up to July 1940. Since that time 1 case has been reported from the Mayo Clinic2and 1 patient has been under observation at the University of Michigan. The latter patient died just prior to the death of our patient. The relatively high incidence (7 cases) in the state of Michigan is particularly interesting. The purpose of this report is to add another case to the growing list and also to point out a previously unrecorded manifestation. The close resemblance of systemic histoplasmosis to American leishmaniasis has been pointed out frequently.1The patient described here exhibited a mucocutaneous