Decision rules in detection of simple and complex tones

Detection of simple and complex tones in the presence of a 64-dB SPL uniformly masking noise was examined in two experiments. In both experiments, the signals were either pure tones (220, 1100, or 3850 Hz) or an 18-tone complex consisting of equally intense components between 110 and 7260 Hz. In experiment 1, psychometric functions were obtained for detection in a 2I, 2AFC task. Results for eight normal listeners show that the psychometric functions are parallel for simple and complex tones. As expected, the masked thresholds for the pure tones are 43-44 dB SPL independent of frequency; the masked threshold for the complex tone is about 37 dB SPL per tone. These results indicate that the simultaneous presence of signal energy in many auditory channels aids detection. In experiment 2, psychometric functions were obtained with all four signals presented in random order within a block of trials. Results for four normal listeners show that the psychometric functions are parallel to one another and to those obtained in experiment 1. The thresholds are elevated to about 46 dB for the pure tones and to 40.5 dB for the complex tone. These results are nearly, but not quite, consistent with a multiband energy-detector model using an optimum decision rule; it appears that listeners may only make an unweighted sum of decision variables across an optimum selection of channels.

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