Taurine‐like immunoreactivity in the brain of the honeybee

Taurine (2‐aminoethanesulfonic acid) is one of the most abundant free amino acids in the insect central nervous system. We have investigated the distribution of taurine‐like immunoreactivity in the brain of the honeybee with an antiserum recognizing fixed taurine. Taurine‐like immunoreactivity appeared within neuronal perikarya, neurites, and terminals, whereas glial cells were unlabelled. All photoreceptor cells of the compound eyes and the ocelli were stained. So were the fibers of the anterior superior optic tract, which connects the optic lobes to the mushroom bodies in the median protocerebrum. In the mushroom bodies the majority of intrinsic Kenyon cells showed high levels of taurine‐like immunoreactivity. The lateral antennoglomerular tract, which interconnects the mushroom bodies with the antennal lobes, was also intensely stained. In. the antennal lobes, strong labelling was observed within, a few fibers that invade a set of posterior glomeruli from the posterior margin. Sensory projections from the antennal nerve into the antennal lobes showed only intermediate levels of staining. Sensory projections into the dorsal lobe were devoid of taurine‐like immunoreactivity. Labral, mandibular, maxillary, and labial nerves, which innervate the various parts of the feeding apparatus, contain a set of five to eight heavily stained fibers. A comparison of taurine‐like immunoreactivity with glutamate‐ and GABA‐like immunoreactivities in the brain of the honeybee indicates that the three amino acids are enriched in distinct neuronal populations.