Saccharin, Cyclamate, and Human Bladder Cancer

An epidemiologic study designed to elucidate the possible roles of the artificial sweeteners saccharin and cyclamate in human urinary bladder cancer was recently completed. The previous intake of each of these substances among 519 patients with histopathologically confirmed bladder cancer and an equal number of matching controls in metropolitan Baltimore did not differ significantly in frequency, quantity, or duration. These normal findings persisted after simultaneous adjustment for the effects of smoking, occupation, age, diabetes mellitus, and a number of other potentially confounding factors. They are substantiated by the failure of the relative risk of bladder cancer to increase with increasing exposure to artificial sweeteners. It is concluded that neither saccharin nor cyclamate is likely to be carcinogenic in man, at least at the moderate dietary ingestion levels reported by the patient sample. (JAMA240:349-355, 1978)