Helium- und Neonisotope in Eisenmeteoriten

The helium and neon content of 22 iron meteorites as well as the isotopic compositions of the rare gases have been measured. Definite relations were found between the amounts of the cosmic ray produced isotopes 3He, 4He and 21Ne and also for their ratios. A rough correlation between the mass of the meteorite and the “depth” of the sample has been found; a correlation for the 3He/4He and the 4He/21Ne ratios also exists. The following relationship holds for 19 of the 21 meteorites : 3He/4He= 0.166 + 174 (∑ Ne/∑ He) ± 0.018 . The only exceptions are the meteorites Braunau and Colomera. Because these exceptions only show up in diagrams in which the values for 3He are included, we assume that both these meteorites, as well as perhaps also the meteorite Morradal, have lost part of their 3He. This might be explained by a diffusive loss of tritium during times of higher temperatures of the meteoritic bodies, probably due to a closer approach of these meteorites to the sun.