High-temperature series expansions are used to examine the dependence of critical-point exponents upon lattice anisotropy (different interaction strengths in different directions in the lattice). The two-spin correlation function C2(r) is calculated to tenth order in (1kBT) for the Ising Hamiltonian Hl anis=JxyΣijxySizSjzJzΣijzSizSjz for a wide range of anisotropy parameters RJzJxy and for both the sc and fcc lattices; here the first summation is over all pairs of nearest-neighbor sites whose relative displacement vector rij has no z component, while the second summation is over all other pairs of nearest-neighbor sites. Hence for R=0, both the sc and fcc lattices reduce to the two-dimensional square lattice, while in the limit R, the sc becomes a one-dimensional linear chain and the fcc becomes two noninteracting three-dimensional bcc lattices. The series for C2(r) are then used to obtain series of corresponding lengths for the specific heat, susceptibility, and second moment. Analysis of these series yields results consistent with the universality hypothesis of critical-point exponents. Specifically, it is found that when lattice anisotrophy is introduced, the critical-point exponents studied (the susceptibility exponent γ and the correlation length exponent ν) do not appear to change from their values for an isotropic lattice. The problem of next-nearest-neighbor interactions is treated using similar methods in Paper II of this series (and briefly discussed in this paper).