Metabolic changes associated with the slowing of relaxation in fatigued mouse muscle.

1. The biochemical basis of the slowing of relaxation seen in fatigue has been examined using an isolated mouse soleus preparation. 2. Slowing of relaxation occurred during prolonged tetani under anaerobic conditions when ATP and PC fell and lactate accumulated. 3. Slowing of relaxation was also demonstrated with muscles poisoned with cyanide and iodoacetic acid when there was a fall in ATP and PC but no accumulation of lactate. During a period of anaerobic recovery following a fatiguing tetanus, relaxation became faster at a time when lactate was accumulating in the muscle. 4. It is concluded that the slowing of relaxation in fatigue is not a consequence of lactate accumulation, and a relationship is demonstrated between the ATP content of the muscle and the rate of relaxation in muscles fatigued by prolonged stimulation, 5. Rates of ATP turn‐over in fresh muscle, and at intervals throughout a tetanus are consistent with the suggestion that the rate limiting step for myofibrillar ATPase may be directly related to the rate limiting step for the decay of tension during relaxation.