Evaluation of a New Monkey Model for the Repeated Study of Bile Secretory Physiology

An unchaired monkey model for the repeated long-term study of biliary secretory physiology is reported. Postoperative management with cholangiography and long-term followup of weight gain and liver function were recorded. Evaluation was performed by repeated measurement, over a period of months, of bile flow and 14C erythritol clearance at three rates of taurocholate infusion given intravenously in a random order. Response to secretin was tested at the final infusion rate of taurocholate for each experiment. The outcomes of 9 monkeys were described of which 5 were repeatedly studied. They demonstrated an increase in bile flow and 14C erythritol clearance with increasing bile salt output. A dramatic choleresis over a wide range of bile salt excretion was noted with secretin and a linear relationship between bile bicarbonate output and bile salt secretion rate was observed. The new model has several major advantages and gives higher bile flows than previously recorded in the chaired model.