Spin–Parity Combinations in 22Ne

Detection of inelastically scattered alpha particles near 180° from the reaction 22Ne(α,α′)22Ne has been used to identify natural parity levels in 22Ne. Energy spectra were recorded for ten incident energies from 16.5–21.0 MeV in steps of 500 keV. Levels at 4.46, 5.52, and 5.92 MeV have been identified as having natural parity, leading to definite assignments of 2+, 4+, and 2+ respectively. Levels at 5.14 and 5.64 MeV have been identified as having unnatural parity, implying assignments of 2 and 3+ respectively. Tentative assignments are suggested for other levels, and the implications of the present assignments with regard to the identification of band structure in 22Ne are discussed.