Consistency of Nuclear Radii of Even-Even Nuclei from Alpha-Decay Theory

It is shown possible to obtain a consistent function for nuclear radii if the quantitative treatment of the alpha-decay process is applied to even-even isotopes of the heavy elements. The nuclear radii so calculated for even-even isotopes of emanation, radium, thorium, uranium, plutonium, and curium, conform to the expression r=1.48·1013·A13 cm which defines the normal nuclear radii. The agreement is within 1 percent for the majority of the cases and there is reason to question the experimental data used in the calculations for at least part of those which do not show such close agreement. In cases of fine structure in alpha-decay of even-even nuclei, the radii calculated from the separate alpha-groups are compatible. The polonium isotopes and Em212 form a special group showing departures from normal nuclear radii explainable by consideration of shells in nuclear structure.