The decay schemes of Pd103 and Ru103 have been studied with the use of two scintillation spectrometers in coincidence. It has been observed that the electron capture activity of Pd103 is accompanied by faint γ radiation having the several quantum energies of 40, 65, 300, 365, and 495 kev with absolute intensities per disintegration of 1×103, 4×105, 1.2×104, 6.6×104, and 1×104. The gamma rays of energy 65 and 300 kev were found to be in coincidence. The inner bremsstrahlung spectrum associated with the capture transition leading to the 57-minute isomeric level in Rh103 is of intensity small in comparison with that of the aforementioned gamma rays. The β decay of Ru103 is accompanied by gamma rays of energies 55, 440, 495, 555, and 610 kev with absolute intensities per disintegration of 1×102, 5×103, 0.90, 5×103, and 6×102. A β spectrum of end point 110±10 kev is coincident with the 610-kev gamma ray. A level scheme for Rh103 with probable orbitals has been proposed.