1. The longissimus dorsi muscles of cattle have been analysed for moisture, intramuscular fat (and its iodine number), nitrogen (total, myofibrillar, sarcoplasmic, soluble non-protein and stroma), myoglobin, total soluble phosphorus and ash; ultimate pH and buffering power were also determined.2. At birth, in the region of the 4th, 5th and 6th lumbar vertebrae, total, myofibrillar, sarcoplasmic and soluble non-protein nitrogens have attained 87, 76, 71 and 25% of their mean adult values, respectively; the concentration of stroma nitrogen diminishes by 50%, between birth and maturity.3. The mean adult values (fat-free basis) for sarcoplasmic (0·9%) and myofibrillar (1·9%) protein nitrogen, for total nitrogen (3·6%) and for moisture (76·8%) are atained at approximately 5 months, 7–10 months and 18 months of age, respectively; moisture on a whole tissue basis decreases fairly regularly as intramuscular fat increases.