Our purpose was to investigate the psychological characteristics of a group of girls with ovarian dysgenesis in order to understand these girls and help make their treatment as effective as possible. The data do not reveal a "right" age for the initial administration of estrogen and other "female-enhancing" hormones. Rather, it makes evident the important variables that should be considered in the treatment plan for each girl. Hormone treatment will have a different meaning for each girl, depending upon her level of psychological maturity and her consequent perception of the purpose and result of treatment. For this reason, it was important to learn how the psychologica 1 development of these sexually immature girls compares with that of biologically healthy adolescents. We turned to an analysis of fantasy and drawings, using data from these to learn about the psychological correlates of ovarian dysgenesis. These psychological test results suggest that those administering hormone treatment to girls who have ovarian dysgenesis should be aware of the fantasy life of each girl treated, and should take into account each patient''s ability to assimilate those personality changes which lead to a more mature femininity.