Infrared spectroscopic study of the secondary structure of melittin in water, 2-chloroethanol, and phospholipid bilayer dispersions

The conformations of melittin, an amphipathic polypeptide consisting of 26 amino acid residues, and its hydrophobic (residues 1-19) and hydrophilic (residues 20-26) fragments were examined in various solvent systems, including H2O, 2H2O, 2-chloroethanol, and 1,2-dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) multilayers, by IR spectroscopy. Water and 2-chloroethanol were used as reference solvents for characterizing the amide I and II vibrational frequencies of the polypeptide in systems reflecting unordered, .beta.-structure, or .alpha.-helical forms. In DMPC bilayer assemblies both melittin and its hydrophobic fragment F1 exhibit .alpha.-helical conformations. In contrast, IR spectra for the hydrophilic F2 fragment are suggestive of a .beta. conformation with perhaps spectral contributions from random-coil configurations. The .alpha.-helical conformation of intact melittin in DMPC multilayer dispersions remains unchanged as the bilayer passes from the gel to liquid-crystalline state. For melittin-water solutions the IR spectra monitor changes in population of specific conformations as the temperature is varied. Thus, for melittin concentrations in which tetramers are dominant, high temperatures ( C) favor the .alpha.-helical form, while low temperatures ( C) lead to populations of both .beta. and .alpha.-helical strcutures. At lower melittin concentrations for which monomers persist, high temperatures favor an unordered polypeptide form, while low temperatures induce an .alpha.-helical conformation. Although peak-height intensity ratios AII/AI for the amide I and II regions are difficult to interpret rigorously, values of this parameter for aqueous solutions of melittin suggest a sensitivity to structural changes involving the aggregation properties of the polypeptide.