Nuclear Levels ofDy162

The nuclear level scheme of Dy162 has been studied utilizing a variety of experimental methods. From the reaction Dy161(n, γ)Dy162, low-energy γ-ray transitions were measured between 40 and ≈1350 keV with a bent-crystal spectrometer, and the (n, e) conversion-electron spectrum was investigated in the energy range between 160 and 1300 keV with a double-focusing β spectrometer. Altogether, some 160 transitions were found, and multipolarities were assigned for about 50 of these. High-energy γ rays from neutron capture in Dy161 were measured in the energy region between 4.9 and 8.2 MeV with a Ge(Li) detector operated in the pair mode; 49 transitions were found. Furthermore, the reactions Dy162(p, p), Dy162(d, d), Dy161(d, p), and Dy163(d, t) have been studied at 12-MeV beam energy, using a broad-range magnetic spectrograph. Combining the results of all these experiments, a level scheme containing 90% of the intensity of the low-energy (n, γ) spectrum of Dy162 was constructed consisting of the following levels: the ground-state rotational band up to the 8+ level; the K=2+ (γ-vibrational) band at 888.22 keV including all members up to the possible 7+ state; the K=2 octupole-vibrational or [411↑-523↑] band with the band head at 1148.29 keV and including members up to the tentative 5 and 6 levels; the K=4+ [521↑+523↓] band at 1535.89 keV containing members up to the 6+ and possibly the 7+ level; a K=0 band (probably octupole) with 1 and 3 members at 1275.4 and 1357.0 keV, and possibly the 5 member at 1520 keV; a tentative K=0+ band with 2+ and 4+ members at 1206.1 and 1390.3 keV, suggesting the 0+ level at 1127 keV; the K=1+ [521↑-523↓] band at 1745 keV containing states up to the 6+ level; the K=3 [642↑+521↓] band at 1770 keV containing levels up to the 6 member; and finally the K=2 [642↑-521↓] band at 1866 keV containing levels up to the 5 state. Other unassigned levels were found above 1.4 MeV in the (d, p), (d, t), and high-energy (n, γ) measurements. The agreement between experimental and calculated cross sections for the (d, t) and (d, p) reactions was found to be good for the [521↑±523↓] and the [642↑±521↓] states, but not so good for the [642↑±523↓] states. The neutron binding energy in Dy162 was determined as 8192.8±3 keV.